Posts Tagged ‘Snooki’

Engines Recharged

Well, folks, we’re back.

The 2011 Washington Auto Show was an enormous success, and we were thrilled with attendance as well as media coverage.

In case you missed it, although you hardly could, Snooki came to the auto show and snagged an enormous amount of attention.

And in many cases, once reporters arrived on the Snooki scene, they shot plenty of footage of the green cars on display. Take, for example, the photos aplenty posted by hot D.C. blog,

Even, believe it or not, NPR, which pooh-poohed our pitch, picked up the story and posted the terrific column on the scene by the talented Amy Argetsinger of The Washington Post’s “Reliable Source.”

Amid the traditional coverage of stars and cars, the show’s message on advancing sustainable transportation made headlines. As in this piece by Daniel Indiviglio, associate editor of The Atlantic, entitled: “Green Cars are Cool and Here are the Pictures to Prove it.”

“This much was clear from this year’s Washington DC Auto Show. Unlike most other auto shows, it isn’t as focused on flashy cars as it is on policy. That means the automakers’ bragging at the show focuses on fuel efficiency, instead of design. But these days, it’s become clear that you don’t have to sacrifice one to have the other,” Indiviglio writes.

In particular, Sebastian Blanco of Autoblog Green did an excellent job of reporting the sustainable innovations and the news from our Public Policy Preview events.

But don’t worry, I won’t leave on such a high-brow note. I know you want to see Pomerance & Associates with the starlet of “Jersey Shore,” so here you go. 🙂

Until next time,
